Mental Health Week

During Week 9, our campus celebrated Mental Health Week - a week dedicated to creating conversations to destigmatise mental health and to promote help-seeking behaviour in the school community. Each day during D.E.A.R. time, teachers delivered brief activities to encourage students to think and talk about mental health issues, how to recognise signs that someone may need help and how/where to seek help if required. On RUOK Day, Thursday 12th September, BullyZero delivered presentations to Year 7 and 8 students, teachers and parents about the short and long-term effects of bullying and the importance of being an ‘upstander,’ rather than a bystander. Former Miss World Australia and BullyZero Ambassador, Esma Voloder, described her experiences as a student, how she overcame being a victim of bullying and also highlighted the role of resilience in her life.

At the whole school assembly, Student Representative Council members reiterated the message of ‘RUOK’, as well as the importance of speaking up and seeking help.

We hope that everyone, students, parents and teachers alike, feel more empowered and better equipped to check in on each other and have helpful conversations about what may be perceived as a tricky topic for some. We look forward to being a part of more initiatives to promote this important cause.

For more information about RUOK, please visit at the link below.

For more information about BullyZero, please visit at the link below.

If you would like more information about youth mental health, please visit the following website below.


Ms. Denise Rimoni
Student Support Coordinator, on behalf of the Student Support team and Mental Health Committee.